Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School!

Today was the Big Day! RJ looked so adorable in his uniform and brand new white sneakers. We got up today around 6:30am and he had a bowl of grits for breakfast, then we went potty, washed hands and face, brushed teeth and go dressed. After we got dressed and combed his hair, we took his picture out front by the Japanese Maple tree.

We left the house about 7:15am and got to the school at about 7:30am, we parked across the street in the church parking lot and walked down to the crosswalk to cross. Then we followed the crowd into the courtyard and went into the building and into Mrs. Hutchins class. Both Mrs. Hutchins and Mrs. Esrael were waiting to greet him and he was the first child there.

At first I thought he was gonna be fine with me leaving, Mrs. Hutchins took him by the hand and walked him over to his seat, but then he decided that was too far away from Mommy
and came back over by the door to stand near me. I walked him around the room and showed him where the bathroom was. By this time the other kids were there and the Mommies were all leaving, but RJ was still hangin near me and saying he didn't want me to leave. When the school bell rang, RJ was staning behind his seat and had let go of my hand. Mrs. Hutchins was sitting down at the table with all the kids and Mrs. Esrael was helping me "escape", as I backed away she stepped in and guided RJ to his seat.

I went back to pick him up at 10am and he was all smiles and then I walked him over to the cafeteria where the After Care program will be (this is where RJ will go after class regularly). Tomorrow and Wednesday RJ does not have to be in the classroom so he will go to the After Care program in the cafeteria and he'll be able to play with the other kids.

On Thursday, I will take him back to the classroom where he will be for a half day and then he will go to the After Care. Friday will be his first full day of being in the classroom (7:50am - 3pm), then he will go to the After Care.

Typical of my child, he's very non-talkative about his day (other than that he had a good time), I did manage to get out of him that they played on the playground, had storytime, and colored for a while. He also brought home a little teddy bear that they gave to everyone in the class.

After we left the school, we went to the pet store and got two fish, we bought a tank on Friday and had it set up and running just waiting for fish. We got the fish comfy in their new home and fed them, then had our own lunch. After lunch, we watched a little TV and now RJ is napping with Daddy (who has to go to work at midnight tonight so he is sleeping till mid-afternoon).

Ok enough for now, I'm gonna try and be productive while he is napping.